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Doing business In Poland

Located in the heart of Europe, Poland benefits from a strategic location and ranks among Central and Eastern Europe’s top destinations for FDI.  The country owns a favorable business environment with supportive government policies and incentives for foreign investors.

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/ The Polish Market in a few words

Poland is the sixth largest economy in the EU and the largest market in Central Eastern Europe (38 million inhabitants), with the lowest unemployment rate. It is growing faster than Germany and the EU average. In addition, the Polish market is considered crisis-resistant; GDP recorded a small decline in 2020 and has been rising steadily since then.

Thanks to its privileged geographical location, Poland is a major player in European trade. The country’s main markets consist of various economic sectors, including manufacturing (automotive, electronics, machinery, etc.), agriculture (grains, vegetables, meat, dairy products), and the energy sector (coal, gas, renewable energies).

Poland also offers excellent investment conditions. In the first half of 2023, foreign direct investments made with the support of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) amounted to €4.94 billion, compared to €3.7 billion in 2022. They are encouraged by several tax incentives (tax exemption, reduction of R&D tax) that are not limited to specific locations, as since 2018, the entire Polish territory has been treated as an economic zone (known as the Polish investment zone).

36.8 M




679 bn

GDP (Dollar)


Economic Growth Rate

/ ALTIOS in Poland

ALTIOS has been present in Poland and Eastern Europe since 2012. With its two offices in Warsaw and Krakow, as well as all the collaborators operating in the region, ALTIOS helps clients enter and succeed in the Polish market.

Marta Tchorzewska, Country Manager of ALTIOS Poland, describes how Poland is an excellent destination for foreign investors. She explains the numerous advantages of the Polish market while also alerting to the points of caution not to overlook, especially regarding legislation.

Poland is a very favorable territory for business development. The main reason is its highly stable and steadily growing economy. The second argument is the human capital, the abundance of talented and well-educated individuals. The third reason is Poland’s central location, which enables business expansion even beyond borders into other Central European and Baltic countries.

I believe the primary challenge lies in the frequent changes in legislation. Coming to Poland means you will absolutely need to collaborate with legal and tax experts.

Video Thumbnail - Market Expert Talk Marta Poland (image overlay)
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/ Set Up a Business in Poland

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/ Ready to grow in Poland?

Our team of friendly experts loves nothing more than helping businesses like yours get off to a flying start in Poland.